Gaming Machines advice published

25 Jun

In 2014 the Responsible Gambling Trust instigated a number of research projects mainly aimed at answering two questions agreed between the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) and The Gambling Commission. The questions were:

  • Can we distinguish between harmful and non – harmful gaming machine play?
  • If we can, what measures might limit harmful play without impacting on those who do not exhibit harmful behaviours?

Two documents have now been published, the first by the RGSB being advice to the Commission and the second being the Commission advice to the DCMS.

The questions clearly demonstrate the concerns that exist in relation to harmful gaming machine play but equally show that there is a recognition in the second question that there should be no impact on those wishing to play machines where there is no “harmful behaviour”.

One notable point in the Research is the suggestion to move away from anonymous game play to better enable identification of those at risk of gambling related harm.

Links to both these documents can be found below:

RGSB advice to the Commission on gaming machines research

Commission advice to DCMS: Recent research into Gaming Machines

Law correct at the date of publication.
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